Injection processing industry development

Hits:Updated:2018-01-06 14:01:00【Print】

(A) Development and innovation is the development of the injection molding processing industry integrity, long-term, basic strategy. We can not just look after the trees, regardless of the planting of trees. Regardless of the future, we can only look at the details and ignore the fundamental issues. We can not just move experience, move knowledge and move instructions without using strategies. Otherwise, the plastic injection processing industry will lead to narrow roads, And dead.

(B) Do not focus on light. Improve the injection molding industry rely on a variety of operations, such as technology, business, management, public relations surgery; also rely on a variety of strategy, such as technology development strategy, talent development strategy, marketing strategy, financing strategy. Surgery is a small, slightly larger surgery, surgery and slightly the same point is all about planning, the difference is the size of the plan, the length of time planning. Heavy surgery is light weight, light weight and long, heavy technology is more general. Here, the biggest surgery is the development and innovation, development and innovation should be the injection molding processing industry development strategy.

In order to realize the development and innovation of the injection molding processing industry, it is necessary to re-analyze the market demand highlights and trends, re-analyze the emerging challenges and opportunities, re-analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and re-analyze the key steps and steps. Why do we need to reanalyze these basic facts because many of the analyzes in the past are outdated, or the analysis at that time has its own serious flaws and mistakes.

In order to realize the development and innovation of the injection molding processing industry, it is necessary to formulate new management contents, new management methods, new personnel framework, new management system and new management strategies. Strategy is not fixed. In terms of essential characteristics, the development strategies formulated by each enterprise should be consistent. In terms of content, emphasis and structure, the development strategies of different enterprises rarely have something in common. Recently, China Plastic Injection Network visited a few Singapore plastic factory, feel a lot, they have been away from us, from the original simple injection molding processing, product design and development to set up a one-stop production mode of operation, they Are moving in the direction of OEM and even ODM.

China's injection molding industry should move towards OEM and ODM direction. Is the only way.



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